Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EQ 1

EQ 1--What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

     Starting a business is taking a risk, but it could possibly be very rewarding.  Making a website and developing forms of advertisement are necessary.  Advertisement is very necessary for gaining customers, especially for a new business.  Next, developing relationships with clients is vital.  Develop a positive relationship with them that will last.  If going into business with partners, make sure everyone is on the same page and make sure they are reliable and trustworthy.  Everyone will work better together and be more effective. Develop a product or service that everyone is satisfied and confident with.  This gives everyone confidence that they have a premium product or service to sell. Analyze the costs of running the business and make budgets.  This helps ensure that the business will last and further improve. These are five things that one would need to consider when starting a business.

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