Friday, March 28, 2014

EQ 7--Review this semester. What activities have you enjoyed and why? Why activities have you not enjoyed and why? Upload your favorite piece of work so far and explain why it is your favorite.

     This semester has been very enjoyable for me.  I have definitely expanded my skills on the computer, and for different programs.  I hope to take the information I have obtained and keep building on it.  I can say I have enjoyed most of the activities I have done, but my favorites have been the business logo design and the trace face image.  I enjoyed these because I had few problems with them and I enjoyed the process of developing the images.  The activity that I enjoyed the least was probably trade face.  I had a decent amount of trouble aligning the faces and making the images look as realistic as possible.  It was my first time working with Photoshop and I was not very familiar with it, I didn't know where a lot of the buttons were and things like that.  

     I enjoyed the trace face the most because most importantly, I thought it looked very realistic.  I liked tracing the face with the pencil and examining the final product when you removed the background.  The persons face I traced was Kaylenne Goins and I thought it resembled her very well.  Overall, I just really enjoyed this project and was pleased with the result.  

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